Lojong: Mind Training Made Easy

The 59 Lojong Slogans

The Lojong teachings are encapsulated in 59 slogans, which are divided into seven groups. Each slogan offers practical advice on transforming the mind and heart through the application of compassion and wisdom in everyday life. Here, we explore each slogan and its practical implications.

The Preliminaries, Which Train the Mind

The preliminary teachings prepare the mind for deeper insights and practices.

First, train in the preliminaries.

  • Recognize the preciousness of human life, the reality of death, karma, and the suffering inherent in samsara.

Training in the Spirit of Bodhicitta

Bodhicitta, or the “mind of enlightenment,” involves cultivating a deep compassion and the wish to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.

Regard all dharmas as dreams. Norman interprets this one as See everything as a dream.

Examine the nature of unborn awareness.

Self-liberate even the antidote. Norman interprets this one as Trust your own eyes.

Rest in the nature of alaya, the essence. Norman interprets this one as Rest in the openness of mind.

In post-meditation, be a child of illusion.

Transforming Adversity into the Path of Enlightenment

These slogans teach how to use difficulties and obstacles as opportunities for spiritual growth.

When the world is filled with evil, transform all mishaps into the path of bodhi.

Drive all blames into one.

Be grateful to everyone.

See confusion as Buddha and practice emptiness.

Applying Practice Throughout One’s Whole Life

This section focuses on integrating practice deeply and completely throughout every aspect of life.

Do all yogas with one.

Use one remedy for everything.

Two activities: one at the beginning, one at the end.

Whatever you meet unexpectedly, join with meditation.

The Utilization of Practice in One’s Whole Life

The slogans here are about making Lojong an inseparable part of life.

Train in the five strengths, the condensed heart instructions.

The Mahayana instruction for ejection of consciousness at death is the five strengths: how you continue to conduct yourself is important.

The Measure of Having Trained the Mind

This group helps practitioners gauge their progress and effectiveness in applying the teachings.

All dharma agrees at one point.

Of the two witnesses, hold the principal one.

Always maintain only a joyful mind.

If you can practice even when distracted, you are well trained.

The Precepts of Mind Training

These are specific commitments that help maintain and deepen the practice.

Always abide by the three basic principles.

Change your attitude, but remain natural.

Don’t talk about injured limbs.

Don’t ponder others.

Work with the greatest defilements first.

Abandon any hope of fruition.

Abandon poisonous food.

Don’t be so predictable.

Don’t malign others.

Don’t wait in ambush.

Don’t bring things to a painful point.

Don’t transfer the ox’s load to the cow.

Don’t try to be the fastest.

Don’t act with a twist.

Don’t make gods into demons.

Don’t seek others’ pain as the limbs of your own happiness.

Guidelines for Mind Training

The final set of slogans offers practical advice on implementing the teachings in daily actions and interactions.

Practice even when distracted.

Train consistently without bias.

Always train in the three difficulties.

Take on the three principal causes.

Pay heed that the three never wane.

Keep the three inseparable.

Train without bias in all areas; it is crucial always to have a deep and vast point of view.

Always meditate on whatever provokes resentment.

Don’t be swayed by external circumstances.

This time, practice the main points: others before self, dharma, and awakening compassion.

Don’t misinterpret.

Don’t vacillate.

Train wholeheartedly.

Free yourself by examining and analyzing.

Don’t wallow in self-pity.

Don’t be jealous.

Don’t be frivolous.

Don’t expect applause.


The 59 Lojong slogans offer a rich and profound guide for training the mind in the virtues of compassion and wisdom. By reflecting on and practicing these slogans, you can transform everyday experiences into opportunities for spiritual growth and awakening. We encourage you to integrate these teachings into your daily life and explore their transformative potential.